Mastering Cascader: How to Turn Off Filter Highlighting
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Mastering Cascader: How to Turn Off Filter Highlighting

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Are you tired of the default highlighting behavior in Cascader? Do you want to customize the filter highlighting feature to suit your application’s needs? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to turn off filter highlighting in Cascader and explore alternative solutions to achieve the desired functionality.

Understanding Cascader Filter Highlighting

Cascader, a popular React component, provides a filtering mechanism to help users quickly find options within a large dataset. By default, Cascader highlights the matched text in the filtered options, making it easier for users to identify relevant results.

  onChange={(value, selectedOptions) => console.log(selectedOptions)} 
  filter={(search, item) => item.label.includes(search)} 

In the code snippet above, the `filter` prop is used to define the filtering logic. When the user types in the search input, Cascader highlights the matched text in the filtered options.

The Default Highlighting Behavior

By default, Cascader highlights the matched text using HTML `` elements, which wrap the relevant part of the label. This behavior can be observed in the following example:

Filtered Options
<strong> Option 1 </strong>
Option 2
<strong>Option 3</strong>

While the default highlighting behavior is useful, you may want to customize or disable it altogether to fit your application’s requirements.

Turning Off Filter Highlighting in Cascader

To turn off filter highlighting in Cascader, you can use the `renderFormItem` prop to customize the rendering of the filtered options.

  onChange={(value, selectedOptions) => console.log(selectedOptions)} 
  filter={(search, item) => item.label.includes(search)} 
  renderFormItem={(option, index) => <div>{option.label}</div>} 

In the code snippet above, the `renderFormItem` prop is used to render a plain `

` element with the label text, effectively disabling the default highlighting behavior.

Alternative Solutions for Custom Highlighting

While turning off filter highlighting is a simple solution, you may want to implement custom highlighting logic that better suits your application’s requirements.

One approach is to use a custom highlighting function that wraps the matched text in a specified element, such as a ``. You can then use CSS to style the highlighted text.

  onChange={(value, selectedOptions) => console.log(selectedOptions)} 
  filter={(search, item) => item.label.includes(search)} 
  renderFormItem={(option, index) => {
    const label = option.label;
    const match = label.match(new RegExp(search, 'gi'));
    return <div>
      {match ? <span>{match[0]}</span> : label}

In the code snippet above, the `renderFormItem` prop uses a custom highlighting function to wrap the matched text in a `` element. You can then use CSS to style the highlighted text.

Another approach is to use a third-party library, such as react-highlight-words, to provide a more advanced highlighting functionality.

  onChange={(value, selectedOptions) => console.log(selectedOptions)} 
  filter={(search, item) => item.label.includes(search)} 
  renderFormItem={(option, index) => 

In the code snippet above, the `react-highlight-words` library is used to highlight the matched text with a custom class name.

Best Practices for Custom Highlighting

When implementing custom highlighting logic, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it simple: Avoid complex highlighting logic that can affect performance.

  2. Use semantic HTML: Use HTML elements that provide meaning to the structure of your content, such as `` or ``, to wrap the highlighted text.

  3. Style with CSS: Use CSS to style the highlighted text, rather than relying on inline styles or JavaScript.

  4. Test thoroughly: Test your custom highlighting logic with different search queries and edge cases to ensure it works as expected.


Turning off filter highlighting in Cascader is a straightforward process, but it’s just the beginning. By implementing custom highlighting logic, you can provide a more tailored experience for your users and enhance the overall usability of your application.

Remember to keep your custom highlighting logic simple, semantic, and well-tested to ensure a seamless user experience.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for more advanced filtering and highlighting features, consider exploring other libraries and frameworks that provide more extensive functionality.

Do you have any questions or concerns about turning off filter highlighting in Cascader? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Happy coding!

Here are the 5 questions and answers about “Turn off filter highlighting in Cascader” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on how to turn off filter highlighting in Cascader with these frequently asked questions!

How do I turn off filter highlighting in Cascader?

To turn off filter highlighting in Cascader, simply set the `filterHighlight` property to `false`. This will remove the highlighting effect when filtering options in the cascader.

What is the default value of the `filterHighlight` property in Cascader?

By default, the `filterHighlight` property is set to `true`, which means that filtering will highlight the matching options in the cascader.

Can I turn off filter highlighting only for specific options in Cascader?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to turn off filter highlighting only for specific options in Cascader. The `filterHighlight` property is a global setting that applies to all options. However, you can use custom rendering to achieve a similar effect.

Does turning off filter highlighting improve performance in Cascader?

Yes, turning off filter highlighting can improve performance in Cascader, especially when dealing with large datasets. By reducing the overhead of highlighting, the cascader can respond faster to user input.

Is it possible to customize the filter highlighting effect in Cascader?

Yes, you can customize the filter highlighting effect in Cascader by using custom CSS or a custom render function. This allows you to tailor the highlighting effect to your specific use case or branding requirements.