Right memory_order to react on atomic increment changes in other thread?
Image by Zella - hkhazo.biz.id

Right memory_order to react on atomic increment changes in other thread?

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Have you ever wondered how to react to atomic increment changes in another thread? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of atomic operations and explore the importance of choosing the right memory_order to ensure your threads play nicely together.

What’s the fuss about atomic operations?

In multithreaded programming, atomic operations are used to ensure that multiple threads can access shared variables safely. An atomic operation is a single operation that cannot be interrupted by other threads, ensuring that the operation is executed as a whole, without interference.

One common scenario where atomic operations come into play is when incrementing a shared counter. In a multithreaded environment, multiple threads might try to increment the same counter simultaneously, leading to unexpected results. That’s where atomic increment comes in – it ensures that the increment operation is executed atomically, preventing data races.

The role of memory_order in atomic operations

When using atomic operations, you need to specify the memory_order, which determines how the operation interacts with other threads. The memory_order defines the synchronization rules between threads, ensuring that the program behaves as expected.

In the context of atomic increment, the memory_order specifies how the increment operation is visible to other threads. There are several memory_order options available, each with its own set of rules and guarantees:

  • memory_order_relaxed: No guarantees are made about the visibility of the operation to other threads.
  • memory_order_release: Guarantees that the operation is visible to other threads that synchronize with the same atomic variable.
  • memory_order_acquire: Guarantees that the operation is visible to other threads that synchronize with the same atomic variable, and that the thread will see all operations that happened before the synchronization point.
  • memory_order_consume: Similar to memory_order_acquire, but only guarantees that the operation is visible to the current thread, not all threads.
  • memory_order_seq_cst: Provides the strongest guarantee, ensuring that the operation is visible to all threads, and that all threads will see all operations in the same order.

Choosing the right memory_order for atomic increment

Now that we’ve covered the available memory_order options, let’s focus on choosing the right one for atomic increment. The goal is to ensure that the increment operation is visible to other threads, so they can react accordingly.

The most common choice for atomic increment is memory_order_seq_cst, as it provides the strongest guarantee. This ensures that all threads will see the increment operation in the same order, and that the operation is visible to all threads.

Here’s an example of using memory_order_seq_cst with atomic increment:

std::atomic counter(0);

void incrementCounter() {
  counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst);

What about other memory_order options?

While memory_order_seq_cst is a safe choice, it’s not always the most efficient. In some cases, you might want to consider using other memory_order options to optimize performance.

memory_order_release and memory_order_acquire

These two memory_order options can be used together to create a synchronization point between threads. When used with atomic increment, memory_order_release ensures that the increment operation is visible to other threads that synchronize with the same atomic variable, while memory_order_acquire ensures that the thread will see all operations that happened before the synchronization point.

Here’s an example of using memory_order_release and memory_order_acquire with atomic increment:

std::atomic counter(0);

void incrementCounter() {
  counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);

void WaitForCounterChange() {
  int expected = counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
  while (expected == counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
    // wait for the counter to change


This memory_order option is similar to memory_order_acquire, but only guarantees that the operation is visible to the current thread, not all threads. It’s useful when you need to optimize performance and don’t care about the visibility of the operation to other threads.

Here’s an example of using memory_order_consume with atomic increment:

std::atomic counter(0);

void incrementCounter() {
  counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);

void UseCounterValue() {
  int value = counter.load(std::memory_order_consume);
  // use the value


In conclusion, choosing the right memory_order for atomic increment is crucial to ensure that your threads play nicely together. While memory_order_seq_cst provides the strongest guarantee, other memory_order options can be used to optimize performance. By understanding the guarantees and rules of each memory_order option, you can write efficient and safe multithreaded code.

Remember, when in doubt, use memory_order_seq_cst. It’s the safest choice, but it might come at the cost of performance. Experiment with other memory_order options, but always prioritize correctness over performance.

Memory Order Guarantee Use Case
memory_order_relaxed No guarantee Avoid using
memory_order_release Visible to other threads Synchronization point
memory_order_acquire Visible to current thread Synchronization point
memory_order_consume Visible to current thread Optimization
memory_order_seq_cst Guaranteed order Safest choice

By following the guidelines and examples provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering atomic operations and choosing the right memory_order for your multithreaded adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What’s the difference between memory_order_release and memory_order_acquire?

    memory_order_release ensures that the operation is visible to other threads that synchronize with the same atomic variable, while memory_order_acquire ensures that the thread will see all operations that happened before the synchronization point.

  2. When should I use memory_order_consume?

    Use memory_order_consume when you need to optimize performance and don’t care about the visibility of the operation to other threads.

  3. Is memory_order_seq_cst always the best choice?

    While memory_order_seq_cst provides the strongest guarantee, it might come at the cost of performance. In some cases, using other memory_order options can optimize performance while still ensuring correctness.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of choosing the right memory_order for atomic increment, go forth and conquer the world of multithreaded programming!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck on figuring out the right memory order to react on atomic increment changes in other threads? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you navigate this complex topic.

What is the default memory order for atomic operations?

The default memory order for atomic operations is `memory_order_seq_cst`. This memory order provides a sequentially consistent ordering of atomic operations, which means that all threads see the same order of modifications to atomic variables.

When should I use `memory_order_relaxed` for atomic increments?

You should use `memory_order_relaxed` for atomic increments when you only care about the modification order of the atomic variable itself, and not about the ordering of other memory operations. This can be useful for simple counters or statistics, where the exact order of increments doesn’t matter.

How can I ensure that other threads see the updated value of an atomic variable?

To ensure that other threads see the updated value of an atomic variable, you should use `memory_order_release` for the writing thread and `memory_order_acquire` for the reading thread. This establishes a happens-before relationship between the writing thread and the reading thread, guaranteeing that the reading thread sees the updated value.

What is the difference between `memory_order_acquire` and `memory_order_consume`?

`memory_order_acquire` establishes a happens-before relationship with all subsequent load operations, whereas `memory_order_consume` only establishes a happens-before relationship with dependent load operations. This means that `memory_order_consume` is a weaker ordering constraint that can be more efficient in certain situations.

Can I use `memory_order_relaxed` for atomic increments in combination with other memory orders?

Yes, you can use `memory_order_relaxed` for atomic increments in combination with other memory orders. For example, you can use `memory_order_relaxed` for the increment operation and `memory_order_acquire` for the load operation that depends on the incremented value. This allows you to optimize the increment operation while still maintaining the necessary ordering constraints for dependent loads.

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