Unlocking the Power of REGEXP_EXTRACT: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Expressions in Google Cloud Logging Config JSON
Image by Zella - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of REGEXP_EXTRACT: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Expressions in Google Cloud Logging Config JSON

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Are you tired of digging through logs to find the needle in the haystack? Do you wish you could extract specific data from your logs with ease? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to write a REGEXP_EXTRACT expression in Google Cloud Logging config JSON, helping you unlock the full potential of your logging data.


REGEXP_EXTRACT is a powerful function in Google Cloud Logging that allows you to extract specific data from your logs using regular expressions. With REGEXP_EXTRACT, you can extract values from your logs, concatenate strings, and even perform basic arithmetic operations. But, before we dive into the good stuff, let’s cover the basics.

What are regular expressions?

Regular expressions, or regex for short, are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. They’re like a superpower for searching and extracting data from text. In the context of Google Cloud Logging, regex patterns are used to extract specific data from log messages.

Examples of regex patterns:
\u2013 \d+ (matches one or more digits)
\u2013 [a-zA-Z]+ (matches one or more alphabetic characters)
\u2013 \w+@\w+\.\w+ (matches an email address)

Writing a REGEXP_EXTRACT Expression

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the matter. Writing a REGEXP_EXTRACT expression involves two main parts: the regex pattern and the extraction syntax.

Regex Pattern

The regex pattern is the heart of your REGEXP_EXTRACT expression. It’s where you define the pattern you want to match in your log messages. Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting your regex pattern:

  • Use grouping parentheses ( ) to capture specific parts of the match.
  • Use character classes (e.g., \d+, \w+) to match specific character sets.
  • Use quantifiers (e.g., *, +, ?) to specify the number of times a pattern should be matched.
  • Use anchors (e.g., ^, $) to specify the start or end of a string.
Example regex pattern:
^(?:[^:]+): (?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})

Extraction Syntax

The extraction syntax is used to specify the captured group(s) you want to extract from your regex pattern. The basic syntax is as follows:

REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload, , )

jsonPayload is the input string you want to extract data from. This can be a log message or a specific field within the log message.

is the regex pattern you crafted earlier.

is the captured group you want to extract. This is typically a number (starting from 1) that corresponds to the captured group in your regex pattern.

Example REGEXP_EXTRACT expression:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload, ^(?:[^:]+): (?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}), 1)

Configuring REGEXP_EXTRACT in Google Cloud Logging Config JSON

Now that we’ve covered the basics of REGEXP_EXTRACT, let’s talk about how to configure it in Google Cloud Logging config JSON.

Log Sink Configuration

To configure REGEXP_EXTRACT, you’ll need to create a log sink in Google Cloud Logging. A log sink is a configuration that defines where and how log data is routed.

Example log sink configuration:
  "name": "my-log-sink",
  "destination": "pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/my-project/topics/my-topic",
  "filter": "jsonPayload: *"

Parser Configuration

Within your log sink configuration, you’ll need to define a parser to extract data from your log messages. This is where you’ll specify your REGEXP_EXTRACT expression.

Example parser configuration:
  "name": "my-parser",
  "type": "REGEXP",
  "field": "jsonPayload",
  "regex_pattern": "^(?:[^:]+): (?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})",
  "extract": [
      "field": "ip",
      "regex_subgroup": 1

Common Use Cases for REGEXP_EXTRACT

Now that we’ve covered the basics of REGEXP_EXTRACT, let’s explore some common use cases:

Extracting IP Addresses

Extracting IP addresses from log messages is a common use case for REGEXP_EXTRACT. Here’s an example:

Example regex pattern:
^(?:[^:]+): (?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})

Extracting User IDs

Extracting user IDs from log messages is another common use case for REGEXP_EXTRACT. Here’s an example:

Example regex pattern:

Extracting Error Codes

Extracting error codes from log messages is a common use case for REGEXP_EXTRACT. Here’s an example:

Example regex pattern:

Troubleshooting REGEXP_EXTRACT Issues

Even with the best regex skills, issues can arise when working with REGEXP_EXTRACT. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting tips:

Regex Pattern Issues

If your regex pattern is incorrect or incomplete, REGEXP_EXTRACT won’t work as expected. To troubleshoot, try testing your regex pattern using a regex testing tool or by debugging your REGEXP_EXTRACT expression in Google Cloud Logging.

Capture Group Issues

If your capture group is incorrect or not properly referenced in your REGEXP_EXTRACT expression, you won’t extract the data you expect. To troubleshoot, double-check your capture group numbering and referencing in your regex pattern and REGEXP_EXTRACT expression.

Config JSON Issues

If your config JSON is malformed or incomplete, REGEXP_EXTRACT won’t work as expected. To troubleshoot, double-check your config JSON syntax and formatting.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the basics of REGEXP_EXTRACT, from crafting regex patterns to configuring REGEXP_EXTRACT in Google Cloud Logging config JSON. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to extract specific data from your logs with ease, unlocking new insights and improving your logging setup.

Remember to practice your regex skills, test your REGEXP_EXTRACT expressions, and troubleshoot issues as they arise. Happy logging!

Regex Pattern Description
\d+ Matches one or more digits
[a-zA-Z]+ Matches one or more alphabetic characters
\w+ Matches one or more word characters (alphanumeric plus underscore)
\w+@\w+\.\w+ Matches an email address

Here is the HTML code for 5 Q&A about “How to write a REGEXP_EXTRACT expression in Google Cloud Logging config json?”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of crafting REGEXP_EXTRACT expressions in Google Cloud Logging config json!

What is the basic syntax for a REGEXP_EXTRACT expression in Google Cloud Logging?

The basic syntax for a REGEXP_EXTRACT expression in Google Cloud Logging is `REGEXP_EXTRACT(string, regex_pattern, capture_group)`, where `string` is the log entry field you want to extract from, `regex_pattern` is the regular expression pattern to match, and `capture_group` is the group number of the match to extract.

How do I specify the log entry field to extract from in the REGEXP_EXTRACT expression?

You can specify the log entry field to extract from using the `jsonPayload.field_name` or `protoPayload.field_name` syntax, depending on whether your log entry is in JSON or protocol buffer format, respectively. For example, `REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request_url, r’^https?://([^/]+)/?.*’, 1)` would extract the domain from the `request_url` field in the JSON payload.

What regular expression pattern should I use to extract a specific substring from a log entry field?

The regular expression pattern you use will depend on the specific substring you want to extract. For example, to extract a username from a log entry field, you could use the pattern `r’username=([^,]+)’`, which matches the string “username=” followed by one or more characters (captured in group 1) before a comma. You can test and refine your regex pattern using online regex testers or tools like Google Cloud Logging’s built-in regex validation.

How do I specify the capture group number in the REGEXP_EXTRACT expression?

You can specify the capture group number by passing an integer value as the third argument to the REGEXP_EXTRACT function. For example, `REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request_url, r’^https?://([^/]+)/?.*’, 1)` would extract the first capture group (the domain). If you omit the capture group number, the entire match will be returned.

What if my REGEXP_EXTRACT expression doesn’t match any substrings in the log entry field?

If the REGEXP_EXTRACT expression doesn’t match any substrings in the log entry field, the result will be a null value. You can use the `COALESCE` function to provide a default value in this case, for example: `COALESCE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request_url, r’^https?://([^/]+)/?.*’, 1), ‘unknown’)` would return the string “unknown” if the regex pattern doesn’t match.

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