Issues with Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming the Challenges
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Issues with Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming the Challenges

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Are you struggling to build Speed Dreams using Emscripten? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the common issues that arise during the building process and provide you with actionable solutions to overcome them. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to successfully build Speed Dreams using Emscripten and enjoy the thrill of racing games in your browser.

What is Speed Dreams?

Speed Dreams is an open-source, cross-platform racing game that allows players to experience the thrill of racing on various tracks and circuits. The game is built using C++ and relies on the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library for graphics and sound rendering.

What is Emscripten?

Emscripten is an open-source toolchain that allows developers to compile C and C++ code into WebAssembly (WASM) modules, making it possible to run native code in web browsers. Emscripten is a powerful tool that enables the creation of high-performance, interactive web applications.

Why Use Emscripten to Build Speed Dreams?

Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten offers several benefits, including:

  • Platform independence: Run Speed Dreams on any device with a modern web browser, without the need for native installation.
  • Improved performance: Emscripten’s WASM modules provide near-native performance, ensuring a seamless gaming experience.
  • Easy deployment: Deploy Speed Dreams as a web application, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Common Issues with Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten

Despite the benefits, building Speed Dreams using Emscripten can be challenging. Here are some common issues you may encounter:

  • Compilation errors due to incompatible libraries or dependencies.
  • SDL library issues, such as missing headers or incorrect linking.
  • Optimization problems, resulting in slow performance or crashes.
  • Audio and graphics rendering issues, affecting the overall gaming experience.

Setting Up the Build Environment

To overcome the issues mentioned above, it’s essential to set up the build environment correctly. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Install Emscripten: Download and install Emscripten from the official website (
  2. Install the required dependencies: Ensure you have the necessary dependencies, such as Python, CMake, and the SDL library, installed on your system.
  3. Create a build directory: Create a new directory for your build and navigate to it in your terminal or command prompt.

Configuring Emscripten for Speed Dreams

Next, you’ll need to configure Emscripten for building Speed Dreams. Create a new file called `emscripten_config.js` in your build directory and add the following code:

module.exports = {
  optimizerLevel: 3,
  allowMemoryGrowth: true,
  wasmMemoryPages: 1024,
  quota: 1024,
  totalMemory: 1024,
  noExitRuntime: true,
  exceptionMode: 'wrap',
  ENABLE_SDL2: true,
  SDL2_INCLUDES: ['/path/to/sdl2/includes'],
  SDL2_LIBS: ['/path/to/sdl2/libs'],

Adjust the `SDL2_INCLUDES` and `SDL2_LIBS` paths to match your system’s SDL library installation.

Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten

Now that you’ve configured Emscripten, it’s time to build Speed Dreams. Execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

emcc \
  -o speed_dreams.js \
  -s WASM=1 \
  -s TOTAL_MEMORY=1024MB \
  -s SDL2_IMAGE=2 \
  -s SDL2_TTF=2 \
  -s SDL2_MIXER=2 \

Ensure you replace `/path/to/speed_dreams/sources/main.cpp` with the actual path to the Speed Dreams source code.

Optimizing Performance and Overcoming Issues

To optimize performance and overcome common issues, follow these tips:

Issue Solution
Compilation errors Verify that all dependencies are installed correctly and that the `emscripten_config.js` file is configured correctly.
SDL library issues Check that the SDL library is installed correctly and that the `SDL2_INCLUDES` and `SDL2_LIBS` paths are correct in the `emscripten_config.js` file.
Optimization problems Adjust the `optimizerLevel` and `allowMemoryGrowth` settings in the `emscripten_config.js` file to optimize performance.
Audio and graphics issues Verify that the SDL library is installed correctly and that the `SDL2_IMAGE`, `SDL2_TTF`, and `SDL2_MIXER` settings are correct in the build command.


Building Speed Dreams using Emscripten can be a challenging task, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to overcome the common issues and build a high-performance, web-based version of the game. Remember to optimize performance and configure Emscripten correctly to ensure a seamless gaming experience. Happy building!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to some of the most common issues people face while building Speed Dreams using Emscripten.

Why does the Emscripten build process take so long?

The Emscripten build process can be time-consuming due to the compilation of the entire project into WebAssembly. This process involves several stages, including parsing, optimizing, and generation of JavaScript code. To speed up the process, you can try using a faster CPU, increasing the available memory, or using a build tool like CMake to reduce the compilation time.

Why do I get “Cannot find -lembind” error during the build process?

This error usually occurs when the Emscripten compiler cannot find the `embind` library, which is required for building Speed Dreams. Make sure you have installed the Emscripten SDK and that the `EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT` environment variable is set correctly. You can also try reinstalling the Emscripten SDK or updating your system’s package manager.

How do I fix the “Failed to execute WebGL” error in the browser?

This error usually occurs due to a mismatch between the browser’s WebGL version and the one used by Emscripten. Try updating your browser to the latest version or using a different browser that supports WebGL 2. You can also try setting the `EMSCRIPTEN_WEBGL2` environment variable to `1` before building Speed Dreams.

Why do I get a “Out of memory” error during the build process?

This error usually occurs when the build process requires more memory than available. Try increasing the amount of memory available to the Emscripten compiler by setting the `EMSCRIPTEN_STACK_SIZE` environment variable to a higher value, such as `5242880`. You can also try building Speed Dreams in smaller chunks or using a machine with more RAM.

What do I do if the build process gets stuck or freezes?

If the build process gets stuck or freezes, try terminating the process and restarting it. You can also try cleaning up any temporary files generated during the build process using the `emcc -c` command. If the issue persists, try updating your Emscripten SDK or seeking help from the Speed Dreams community or Emscripten developers.

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